Sing Out for SafeHouse 2021

SingOut for SafeHouse: A Free Virtual Event 

This livestream concert was moderated by Kol Nashim Founder and Music Director Leah Peer, and SafeHouse representative Heather Schreck. Here is the recording of the program:


Donations welcomed until March 31, 2021 and matched by an anonymous donor.

Click Here to Donate to SafeHouse

All proceeds benefit SafeHouse!

After March 31, 2021 please donate at:

The musical program includes:

The Colorado Hebrew Chorale – “Heal Us Now”

Denver Women’s Chorus – “Make Them Hear You”

Denver Chorale – “Bridge Over Troubled Water”

Denver Children’s Choir Fourteeners – “For the Beauty of the Earth”

Kol Nashim – the world premiere of “Baruch She’asani Isha” (Blessed Who Made Me a Woman)

Your contribution goes directly to SafeHouse Denver, the only agency in the City and County of Denver that provides a full scope of services for survivors of domestic violence. SafeHouse Denver provides survivors with emergency shelter, non-residential counseling and advocacy, extended stay program, and a 24-hour crisis and information line, all at no cost to survivors.


This program is funded by grants from:

SCFD – The Scientific and Cultural Facilities District


Rose Community Foundation   Logo of Rose Community Foundation


Click Here to Donate Directly to SafeHouse

We Stand With Israel

The Colorado Hebrew Chorale community is devastated by the recent events in Israel and Gaza. We support the state of Israel, and our choirs will continue to rehearse and perform; that is what we can do as musicians. Through music we mourn, and through music we assert visions of a hopeful world.