Introducing Bonnie Kossoff, CHC board member and long time alto.


In answer to the question “How did you hear about CHC and when and why did you join Bonnie responded:

“It's so long ago it's hard to remember…
I was in Shir Ami before there was a CHC.  When Carol was asked to do the music for a video about American Jewish soldiers who liberated camps she needed to find singers and somehow found me.
I have been a member ever since except for one year daughter Rachel's last year of HS.
I love the diversity of Jewish music that we sing. I need singing in my life and this is a great way to sing while learning and growing in the process.
It really helps that I know some Hebrew as well as that I can read music!  Yiddish is always a challenge.”

We Stand With Israel

The Colorado Hebrew Chorale community is devastated by the recent events in Israel and Gaza. We support the state of Israel, and our choirs will continue to rehearse and perform; that is what we can do as musicians. Through music we mourn, and through music we assert visions of a hopeful world.