$5,000 Pomegranates Sponsor:
- 10 all-inclusive tickets to the Celebration: VIP reception, Concert, Sing-Along with dessert
- 10 VIP seats at the concert
- 2 VIP parking spaces
- Full Page Black & White ad with image in the Program Book
- 10 complimentary tickets to all benefit concerts for one year (2023)
- A song dedicated by the Colorado Hebrew Chorale or Kol Nashim to be performed at the concert
- Plaque presentation with special recognition at the concert
- Name and/or Logo presented on visual loop during the event
- Verbal recognition at the Concert
- Sponsor listing in the Program Book
- VIP seats with your name at the Sing-Along
- Recognition as a year-long sponsor in all promotional materials for one year
- Listing on the Colorado Hebrew Chorale website and newsletter for one year
$3,600 Olives Sponsor:
- 8 all-inclusive tickets to the Celebration: VIP reception, Concert, Sing-Along with dessert
- 8 VIP seats at the concert
- 2 VIP parking spaces
- 1/2 Page Black & White ad with image in the Program Book
- Name and/or Logo presented on visual loop during the event
- Verbal recognition at the Concert
- VIP seats with your name at the Sing-Along
- Sponsor listing in the Program Book
- Recognition as a year-long sponsor in all promotional materials for one year
- Listing on the Colorado Hebrew Chorale website and newsletter for one year
$1,800 Dates Sponsor:
- 6 all-inclusive tickets to the Celebration: VIP reception, Concert, Sing-Along with dessert
- 6 VIP seats at the concert
- 1 VIP parking space
- 1/2 Page Black & White ad with image in the Program Book
- Name and/or Logo presented on visual loop during the event
- Sponsor listing in the Program Book
- Recognition in all promotional materials for one year
- Listing on the Colorado Hebrew Chorale website and newsletter for one year
$1,000 Figs Sponsor:
- 4 all-inclusive tickets to the Celebration: VIP reception, Concert, Sing-Along with dessert
- 4 VIP seats at the concert
- 1 VIP parking space
- 1/4 Page Black & White ad with image in the Program Book
- A sponsor listing in the Program Book
- Listing on the Colorado Hebrew Chorale website for one year
$500 Grapes Sponsor:
- 2 all-inclusive tickets to the Celebration: VIP reception, Concert, Sing-Along with dessert
- 2 VIP seats at the concert
- 1/4 Page Black & White ad with image in the Program Book
- A sponsor listing in the Program Book
- Listing on the Colorado Hebrew Chorale website for one year
Contact us for non-profit special pricing
INFO@coloradohebrewchorale.org (303) 355-0232