Raisins & Almonds: A Tu B’Shvat Celebration


Join the Colorado Hebrew Chorale and Kol Nashim



Raisins & Almonds:

a Tu B’Shvat Celebration

חגיגת ט’׳וֹ בשבט

VIP Reception, Concert, Shira B’Tzibur (Israeli Sing-Along) & Dessert

Honoring the music of Osi & Selma Sladek

Sunday, January 26, 2020, 6:30 pm  | כ׳׳ט טבת תש׳׳פ

BMH-BJ Congregation | 560 S. Monaco Parkway, Denver, CO 80224


Click Here For Tickets

6:30 p.m. VIP Reception

Schmooze with singers and special guests for a glass of wine and a nosh of hot hors d’oeuvres. Guests include:

Composer Osi Sladek 

Composer & Lyricist Selma Sladek

Composer David Wohl

Guest Artist Cantor Asa Fradkin with his youth choir

Gesher Chorale

7:15 p.m. Concert

Performance will feature all three choirs, with an array of Jewish music including a world premiere by David Wohl and highlights from local composers Osi & Selma Sladek.

8:15 p.m. Shira B’Tzibur (Israeli Sing-Along) & Dessert

Join the choirs for a unique Sing-Along, followed by a dessert reception.


Ticket prices:

$36 Concert Only

$36 Concert & Sing-Along (Special for 30 and under) 

$125 includes Reception, Concert and Sing-Along (must purchase by 1/21/19)

Click Here to see the details of sponsorship levels.

Contact Carol Kozak Ward at info@coloradohebrewchorale.org

for information regarding 501(c) 3 non-profit sponsorship rates.

Questions? Call Carol Kozak Ward (303)355-0232

*All food is catered by Cohen’s Cuisine and supervised by the Va’ad


Click Here to Purchase Tickets or Pay for Sponsorship

We Stand With Israel

The Colorado Hebrew Chorale community is devastated by the recent events in Israel and Gaza. We support the state of Israel, and our choirs will continue to rehearse and perform; that is what we can do as musicians. Through music we mourn, and through music we assert visions of a hopeful world.