Teacher Resources

This page is meant to serve as a source of repertoire and programming ideas for teachers.

Included are CHC programs and resources used by the choir to enhance the concert going experience.

 April 2013

Click the link for the musical offerings for the Colorado Hebrew Chorale’s Lag B’Omer program at Four Mile Historic Park. The experiential family program also included a bird presentation by the Denver Zoo, a bonfire and potato bar.

For more on Lag B’Omer click here

For program content  PROGRAM and WORDS LAG B’OMER

Winter 2012/13

Below find links to download the texts and program for the Colorado Hebrew Chorale program  T’filah (“Prayer”), which featured a concert  focusing on liturgical music associated with Progressive and Reform Judaism, from Louis Lewandowski (1821-1894) to Debbie Friedman (1951-2011), with additional music by Kurt Weil, Max Janowski, Meir Finkelstein and others.




Click the link below to download the pieces performed as well as all the words, in the original, transliterations

Chanuka programming December 2012


Click here,  to view the powerpoint slides that were used in performance


 Click here, to view an online quiz



Essential Music of the Holocaust

The program file below is a composite of about 18 months of programming. It contains the pieces that were performed, as well as composer, arranger and lyricist.

Essential Music of the Holocaust programming

The following file contains the lyrics in the original language, translation and, transliteration for the following pieces:

Hatikvah (pre-1948), Sha Shtil, S’Brent, Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern, Vu Ahin Zol Ich Geyn, Kol HaOlam Kulo, Al Naharot Bavel, Enosh, Makh Tsu Di Eygelekh, Ani Maamin, Dremlen Feygl, Tsen Brider, Yidn Zingen: Ani Ma’amin, Halicha Le-Kaisariya, Zog Nit Keinmol, Zol Shoyn Kumen di Geulah, Hatikvah (post -1948)

Texts and translations


Now welcoming new members!

We Stand With Israel

The Colorado Hebrew Chorale community is devastated by the recent events in Israel and Gaza. We support the state of Israel, and our choirs will continue to rehearse and perform; that is what we can do as musicians. Through music we mourn, and through music we assert visions of a hopeful world.