
Colorado Hebrew Chorale Board of Directors 2023

Joni Beck Brewer, M.A., Member at Large

Social Work, Retired

Experience in non-profit community choral administration

Jan Edwards, Volunteer Coordinator

Education for At-Risk Populations, Adams County High School, Retired

Management experience in public school district

Amy Kahn, Ph.D., Member at Large

Dean of Academic Affairs, Arapahoe Community College

Expertise in Diversity Programming

Bonnie Kossoff, MSW, Treasurer

Social Work, Retired

Four decades non-profit board experience

Donna Medina, Member at Large

Music Educator, Retired

Non-profit experience with boards in Denver and Trinidad

Mara Sobotka, M.A., Member at Large

Education Coordinator, New Mexico Jazz Workshop

Expertise in Online Education and Disability Access

Seth Ward, Ph.D., President

Retired, Senior Acad. Prof., Dept. of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Wyoming

Non-profit board experience since 1979

Barbara Zeidman, Secretary

Child Advocate, CASA of Adams and Broomfield Counties

Four decades non-profit board experience

Barbara Zimmerman, Ph.D., Publicity

Science Editor, Technical Writer

Board member experience in non-profit, religious organizations, non-profit fundraising


Ex Officio Board Members

Carol Kozak Ward, M.A., M.M., Founder and Artistic Director, Colorado Hebrew Chorale

Choral conductor, Music Educator

Leah Peer, M.Mus., Founder and Music Director, Kol Nashim

Concert Pianist

Now welcoming new members!

We Stand With Israel

The Colorado Hebrew Chorale community is devastated by the recent events in Israel and Gaza. We support the state of Israel, and our choirs will continue to rehearse and perform; that is what we can do as musicians. Through music we mourn, and through music we assert visions of a hopeful world.